- 1 : the troops moving at the head of an army
- 2 : the forefront of an action or movement
van·guard·ism play \-ˌgär-ˌdi-zəm\ noun
van·guard·ist play \-dist\ noun
After years of non-violent protests, some in the civil rights movement felt that change was not real nor was it happening at a rate commensurate with the effort put in. Therefore, Huey Newton and others started the Black Panther Movement. This movement considered threats, fear, intimidation and violence to reach their goals.
Assignment: Watch 60 minutes or more of the documentary titled Black Panthers:Vanguard of the Revolution
After watching, blog about your summary and reaction (considering the following question. And, respond thoughtfully to two other's blog posts.
10 points - Thorough, thoughtful reaction in a 3-5 sentences (or more) paragarph
10 points - Thorough, thoughtful response to the posts of others (5 points for each)
Consider the following question to guide your post but also feel free to add your thoughtful reactions based on what you see in the documentary.
Where the Black Panthers Terrorists or Revolutionaries? What about the Government and the way they responded? Was the government's response appropriate or inappropriate?