Human Rights Today
5.3.12.J. Evaluate critical issues in various
contemporary governments.
EQ: What is human rights and what have we learned about the state of human rights today?
Task: Study my website page which explains about Human Rights today. I've posted two green links on my page. One page is a consortium of current blogs and websites and youtube channels about current human rights around the world. Spend 20-30 minutes studying a site that speaks to you...Or you can watch The Mayor of New Orleans speak about the significance of taking down Confederate monuments in the South.
-post a paragraph or more in the comments section at the bottom of this blog (15 pts)
-also post an informative website about this topic (5 pts)
-comment on two others' posts (7.5 pts ea = 15 pts)
= 35 points total
Due: 5.4.20 Monday 11:59 pm (per 1) & 5.6.20 Wednesday 11:59 pm (per 3)
Goal: To understand what Human Rights are by looking at what's going on in the world (including U.S.) related to Human Rights.
-After materials on Human Rights today, post in the comments section. You need to write a paragraph or more explaining what you learned about Human Rights from what you studied on my website (ANSWER ESSENTIAL QUESTION BELOW)
-Remember to post with 'anonymous' and put your name/period after your post.
-And, list an educational website you feel will teach others about the topic.
-Finally post thoughtfully on other's posts. Remember to post on at least two other students' posts'.
Answer this: What did you learn about what's going on with Human Rights in the World and how would you define human rights?
Expectations for Blogging