Thursday, May 14, 2020

Unit 3 - Terrorism - Lesson 2 - Comparing Revolution and Terror

Standard: 8.1.12.B. Evaluate the interpretation of historical events and sources, considering the use of fact versus opinion, multiple perspectives, and cause and effect relationships.


Please refer to my youtube channel and watch a clip about blogging like this one.  The directions/format is the same as we've been doing for blogging.

-post a paragraph or more in the comments section at the bottom of this blog  (15 pts)
-also post an informative website about this topic (5 pts)
-comment on two others' posts (7.5 pts ea = 15 pts)
= 35 points total

Due:  5.18.20 Monday 11:59 pm (per 1) & 5.20.20 Wednesday 11:59 pm (per 3)

Goal:  To understand and to form an opinion about when it is alright to use violence and to define terrorism.


-After materials on Terror vs Revolution post in the comments section.  You need to write a paragraph or more explaining what you learned about Revolution vs Terrorism from what you studied on my website (ANSWER ESSENTIAL QUESTION BELOW)
-Remember to post with 'anonymous' and put your name/period after your post.  
-And, list an educational website you feel will teach others about the topic.   
-Finally post thoughtfully on other's postsRemember to post on at least two other students' posts'.

Answer this: 


Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Unit 3 Terrorism - Lesson 1 History of Terrorism and the Evolution of Terrorism over Time

Task:  You will study history & types of terrorism.  Then you will write a paragraph answering the essential question of the lesson followed by reacting to other student's work.

15 points - paragraph answering essential question
 5 points - listing a relevant website
15 points - reacting to two fellow students work
= 35 points

Due Date: 
5.11.20 Monday 11:59 pm (per 1) & 5.13.20 Wednesday 11:59 pm (per 3)
Goal:  Understand the History of Terrorism

How to Youtube Video

In this lesson, you will study the lesson I teach on the types of terrorism.  Go to the google drive and look at the power point, also watch the corresponding videos.  Feel free to find additional information on the web. 

You can find the link here:

Google Drive Class Materials on Terrorism

  1. There are different types of terrorism.  My hope is you will understand the different types.  I am trying to organize a complex topic, but in this lesson I want you to think about terrorism as organized into these types:

  • People terrorizing the government
  • National Terror Groups
  • International Terror Groups
  • State Sponsored Terrorism
  • Terror By the State Against It's Own People
  • Modern Terror 
     2.  After studying the PowerPoint, watching the videos, and researching on the web.  Write a
          paragraph or more answering the essential question of the lesson:  

What are the types and history of terrorism and how has terrorism evolved over time?  

Post your answer by commenting in this blog.  Also, you need to post a useful website (or more) that will help your fellow classmates.  No inappropriate sites (This means no beheading videos, no pro terrorism sites,- you need to find informative educational sites from reliable, reputable sources).

      3.  Read other's posts and react to two other posts by your classmates.  I've linked a google doc which will allow you to view expectations for posting your blog responses here:

 Expectations for Blogging