Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Unit 2 - Human Rights Chapter 2 - Human Rights Case Study - MK Gandhi

Human Rights GANDHI Case Study Blog 

Standard: 8.3.12.A.  Evaluate the role groups and individuals from the U.S. played in the social, political, cultural, and economic development of the world.

EQ:  Gandhi stood up for Human Rights.  What did you learn about what Human Rights Are, How Human Rights can be taken, and how rights can be taken back by studying Gandhi and his story?  

-post a paragraph or more in the comments section at the bottom of this blog  (15 pts)
-also post an informative website about this topic (5 pts)
-comment on two others' posts (7.5 pts ea = 15 pts)
= 30 points total

Due:  4.27.20 Monday 11:59 pm (per 1) & 4.29.20 Wednesday 11:59 pm (per 3)

Goal:  To understand what Human Rights are by studying Gandhi's story.

Materials:  Study this page I made on my website about Gandhi.  It includes a hd free version of the film which won best picture in 1982.  The best thing to do would be to watch the movie, but it's long so there's plenty of other things on the website to look at.  But feel free to watch the whole, free amazing film and then blog about it. 

Assignment:  After studying the movie or materials on Gandhi, post in the comments section.  You need to write a paragraph or more explaining what you learned about Human Rights from your Gandhi studies.  Remember to post with 'anonymous' and put your name/period after your post.  And, list an educational website you feel will teach others about the topic.  Finally post thoughtfully on other's postsRemember to post on at least two other students' posts'.

Expectations for Blogging


  1. hey it's Mr. Del period 1

  2. Daquan B PD.1
    Gandhi was from India and is still well known today for his peaceful movements and protests. During his time huge crowds of people would gather to see him. He could hardly work during the day or sleep at night because of his fame. His fame continued to grow even after his death. During his years he was arrested several times and undertook numerous hunger strikes. In the famous Salt March of April-May 1930, thousands of Indians followed Gandhi from Ahmadabad to the Arabian Sea. The march resulted in the arrest of nearly 60,000 people, including Gandhi himself. As part of his nonviolent non-cooperation campaign for home rule, Gandhi stressed the importance of economic independence for India. In 1947 India was finally granted their independence from Britain but were split into two domains. Gandhi opposed this but agreed for hopes of peace. But there were riots after the split into two domains and Gandhi undertook a hunger strike until the riots stopped. On January 30, 1948, 12 days after he ended another fast he was killed by a Hindu man that was upset by Gandhi's efforts to negotiate with Jinnah and other Muslims.

    1. Very good imformation- Adrianna

    2. Dana
      very good information

    3. tamiia
      good information

    4. Irelynn
      I agree that Gandhi is still very well known today. Good information

    5. Tyriq
      aye bro you said it

    6. good choice of words

    7. Remember everyone, if you think the info is good, explain what is good about it...:-)

    8. Good thoughts and why do you think i chose Gandhi to show us about human rights?

    9. Just from reading this I love how you view him and what you have learned from this, very great points quan.- Amir Anderson

    10. I loved the way you used the information you learned from this website and turned it into a summary of who and what Mahatma Gandhi fought for. Very good word choice!
      -Ya'Nyah Pd 3.

    11. Antuane Holton
      pd.1 Great work i love how much info you included you went above and beyond expectations

    12. Mekhi Graves-Brown
      I love the way how you articulate your words in this paragraph.

  3. Adrianna Finley
    Gandhi was an Indian lawyer, politician, social activist and writer who was born on October 2, 1886. He became the leader of the nationalist movement against the British rule of India, he was very important to India, large crowds always gathered to see him. Even after Gandhi's death on January 30th, 1948 his fame continued. Gandhi stressed the importance of economic Independence for India. Over the years Gandhi developed a political movement based on the methods of non-violent disobedience that he called "satyagraha". Sadly he was assassinated by a Hindu man.

    1. valuable details, i like it

    2. I like how you added that after his death his fame continued because he did so much for his people and of course he should have the glory he deserves. -kimberly

  4. Adrianna Finley
    Gandhi was an Indian lawyer, politician, social activist and writer who was born on October 2, 1886. He became the leader of the nationalist movement against the British rule of India, he was very important to India, large crowds always gathered to see him. Even after Gandhi's death on January 30th, 1948 his fame continued. Gandhi stressed the importance of economic Independence for India. Over the years Gandhi developed a political movement based on the methods of non-violent disobedience that he called "satyagraha". Sadly he was assassinated by a Hindu man.

    1. Dana
      very strong information

    2. Tamiia
      good information, very accurate

    3. OK but what DID YOU learn about Gandhi and how was he a promoter of human rights?

    4. This is very good information
      - Samah Ouard pd 1

  5. Tamiia Anderson pd.1

    Gandhi was a social activist and writer who became the leader of the nationalist movement in his country. He was an indian man who fought for Indians and their rights in India, and he was most famous for fighting for what he wanted and doing it in nonviolent ways to help achieve political and social progress. He fought against the British Empire for indian independence. At times the british would put him in prison for what he was doing, so Gandhi would fast to put pressure on the British. They’d eventually end up having to release him because they were scared of what would happen if they let him die, due to the love Indians grew for Gandhi. With everything Gandhi did for his country he was considered the Father of his Country. The indian National Congress declared the independence of India on January 26 1930, but 1947 is when the british granted India its independence. What I learned from Gandhi is that you can fight for what you want but you don’t have to do it in violent ways, as well as never give up because eventually you might get what you want.

    1. ok. but write about why you think I selected studying Gandhi to understand what human rights are?

    2. good information and your i agree with your feedback because i think everyone should fight for what you want especially if its human rights. -kimberly

  6. Irelynn Pd.3
    Gandhi was a Indian man who fought for his and other people's rights. He was like MLK and wanted to things nonviolently. He was and Indian lawyer, politician, writer and leader of the nationalist movement against the British rule of India. The Gandhi society for human rights was harry wachtel idea. Gandhi studies law and organized boycotts against british institutions in peaceful forms of civil disobedience. Gandhi was killed by fanatic in 1948.
    EQ answers: I learned that everyone has human rights no matter who or what you are and i also think that human rights can't necessarily be taken away but they can be violated and denied. you can get them back by standing up for yourself even with just words.

    1. Great choice of words!

    2. I really enjoyed reading your analysis Irelynn! Words do have power.

    3. I enjoyed reading this you spoke powerfully and you have strong information here. - Ajanae Crawford

    4. Nice summary of his life. -carrie

    5. Great job love the word choice

  7. Brooklyn Flem. Pd3.
    While reading information about Ghandi’s accomplishments to fight equality I realized that he was very peaceful, and determined. In Gandhi's younger years, his father persuaded him to enter in the legal profession. However, things didn't go as planned for Ghandi, withholding him being a lawyer as well. So he insisted a one year contract to perform "legal services" in South Africa. This was Gandhi's calling, while staying in South Africa, Ghandi was exposed to racial discrimination, and being stripped of his religion. Ghandi was tired of being mocked and devoted to fight the “deep disease of color prejudice. Forming the Natal Indian Congress in 1984. Holding protests and made campaigns. Furthermore with making these actions, this led him to a big legacy. Ghandi’s non violence civil obedience even inspired MLK, & Nelson Mandela. In conclusion of reading Ghandi's studies, I think that he was very assertive in his studies, and fought for what he believed in.
    Website for more information- https://www.biography.com/activist/mahatma-gandhi

    1. Excellent thoughts Brooklyn! How do you see him in relation to human rights?

  8. Tyriq Pd. 3
    EQ: Gandhi stood up for Human Rights. What did you learn about what Human Rights Are, How Human Rights can be taken, and how rights can be taken back by studying Gandhi and his story? Gandhi preached the cult of simple life, stressed the superiority of moral over material values. His ideas contributed to shaping his personality, eventually through politics too. He was once imprisoned by government officials, brainwashed about the outside world that destroyed his influence. At the age of 13, this was deeply complicated for him, attitude/sex looked from guilt. Finally, I would say his human rights got deprived from him, but he had disciplined through it all.


    1. Ok..great job Tyriq but what is human rights based on what you studied about Gandhi?

    2. To answer your question del, I would say Gandhi led his campaign movements to loosen poverty, using other principles releasing India from its tribulations.

  9. Dana, pd.1

    Gandhi was from India, During his time huge crowds of people would gather to see him. He could hardly work during the day or sleep at night because of his fame. His fame continued to grow even after his death. Ghandi was exposed to racial discrimination, and being stripped of his religion. Ghandi was tired of being mocked and devoted to fight the deep disease of color prejudice. Forming the Natal Indian Congress in 1984.he indian National Congress declared the independence of India on January 26 1930, but 1947 is when the british granted India its independence. What I learned from Gandhi is that you can fight for what you want but you don’t have to do it in violent ways you can do it in better ways.

    1. Dana,

    2. Great thoughts Dana...what does this tell you about what human rights are?

    3. I really admire on what you have learned from this lesson and it's good that you took that away from this- Amir Anderson

    4. Could you all elaborate on what you liked about the post? Please see my link on blogging expectations.

  10. Gandhi was an Indian man who battled for his and others' privileges. He resembled MLK and needed to things in a peaceful, manner. He was an Indian attorney, lawmaker, author, and pioneer of the patriot development against the British principle of India. The Gandhi society for human rights was harry wachtel thought. Gandhi thought about law and sorted out blacklists against British foundations in serene types of common noncompliance. Gandhi was slaughtered by an enthusiast in 1948. I discovered that everybody has human rights regardless of who or what you are and I likewise imagine that human rights can't really be removed yet they can be disregarded and denied. you can get them back by going to bat for yourself even with just words.- Amir Anderson Pd.3

    1. https://www.history.com/topics/india/mahatma-gandhi- Amir anderson (link)

    2. I agree when you said he worked in a peaceful manner, as I read he did he wasn't violent at all. - Ajanae Crawford

    3. Very good! Gandhi wanted to work in a peaceful manner to get privileges for him and his people. He was very active in creating campaigns and protests. I agree with your statements.
      -Ya'Nyah Pd 3.

    4. Ayanna Smith

      I also think human rights can't be removed. They can be disregarded/denied, but they'll still be there for the person to get back. I also like the phrase you used, "you can get them back by going to bat for yourself."

    5. Ok Amir. What did you study that made you realize that?

  11. Ajanae Crawford Period 1
    Gandhi was recognized as one of the twentieth century's best political leaders. He practiced the principle of Satyagraha resistance to tyranny through a nonviolent civil disobedience. He wanted to ease poverty and expand women's rights with peace and harmony. He was often imprisoned for his actions trying to make positive change sometimes for years but in he accomplished his aim in 1947 when India gained its independence from Britain. He studied religiously and immersed himself in sacred Hindu spiritual texts and adopted a simplicity that was free. Gandhi is now referred to as "Mahatma" that meaning "great soul". He is a great inspiration to others that has struggled to achieve equal rights for their people he gave people hope once they found out what his story was. He was strong on India having equal human rights he wanted his people to be returned to their dignity. He was sadly killed in 1948, but as he lived he made a huge impact as we learn in our history classes. https://www.youthforhumanrights.org/voices-for-human-rights/champions/mahatma-gandhi.html

    1. I also learned that if you want change make it happen and fight for what is right. - Ajanae Crawford

    2. I definitely agree, fight for what you believe and what.

    3. Ok but what did studying Gandhi teach you about what Human Rights are?

    4. Mekhi Graves-Brown

      I agree with you saying that Gandhi is an inspiration.

    5. Gandhi was an important role model remembered by all of us. His cause was to bring peace/freedom. He's did it. -tyriq

  12. Mahatma Gandhi was the MLK Jr. before MLK Jr.; he believed in achieving goals in a peaceful manner. He was one of the best political leaders this world has ever seen. He was an indian lawyer, an anti-colonial nationalist, and political ethicist, who nonviolently successfully led a campaign for India's independence from the British's domination. Afterwards, sparked freedom and civil rights movements on a global scale. Like MLK Jr, he was arrested almost on consistent basis for doing nothing but trying to do whats right. Gandhi got India from under Great Britain's finger by introducing and enforcing teh concept Satyagraha(holding onto truth). Which was adopted by multiple other countries.The Gandhi Society was founded by Harry Wachtel. Human rights can be taken by an individual(s) tries to enforce brutal tyranny over people. You can get your rights back by taking a stand and fighting for what's yours and whats right but it depends on how you respond and fight back .

    Moral of the story Mahatma Gandhi has/will forever inspire freedom throughout today's history lessons; And will always positively impact the way we learn about history.


    Amirh 1st Period

    1. Good information was stated!! - carrie

    2. I found your paragraph very informative - Najir pd 3

    3. Interesting info Amrih. Thank you for sharing. You're right. He was the MLK before MLK. :-)

    4. I liked your reaction...what makes you say that?

  13. Mahatma Gandhi was a Indian lawyer, politician, social activist, and writer so became one of the best known leaders. Gandhi was considered to be the father of his country. He achieved many goals in a peaceful manner , he was never for violence nor supported it. He was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 5 times. Gandhi was exposed to many things such as racial discrimination. Gandhi never was the type of person to hold a grudge. He wanted to ease poverty and stand for women's rights in a peaceful manner. Gandhi is known for having a great soul and fought peacefully for what is right. Gandhi had a huge impact on the world and had left this world knowing that you don't have to fight with violence , you can solve things with peace. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Mahatma-Gandhi/Emergence-as-nationalist-leader -carrie

    1. Great information was said. - Ciara

    2. very great job nice details shown


    3. What did you guys like about what Carrie said?

  14. Mahatma Gandhi was an outstanding leader, social activist, politician, and writer who was considered the father of his country. He fought against the British rule. When Gandhi arrived to South Africa, he was exposed to racial discrimination. Due to this altercation, Gandhi decided to fight for the civil rights of Indians. Many people convinced Gandhi to stay in Africa so he can lead and fight against the legislation. He organized many campaigns including "Satyagraha." After years of protesting, the government imprisoned Gandhi along with hundreds of Indians in 1913. In 1930, he came up with another campaign along with The Salt March to protest Britain's Salt Acts. He was dedicated to his people and what his people wanted. He didn't give up on getting what they wanted and eventually in 1947, Britain granted India independence. On January 30, 1948, Gandhi was shot and killed. His legacy continued and inspired future human rights movements by MLK Jr. and Nelson Mandela.

    -Ya'Nyah Washington Pd 3.

    1. I also learned that he inspired many other human rights movement leaders - Ciara

    2. I also read about how his legacy inspired future movements.

    3. Ayanna Smith

      I agree that he was dedicated to his people and never gave up on them. He truly wanted the best for them.

    4. Ya'Nyah...I'm glad you learned about the salt march. I felt that was a very powerful story.

    5. I like how you basically summed it up at the end by saying that did it ultimately for his people.
      - Maurice Hodges Pd. 3

  15. Gandhi who was honored in India as the father of nation, he pioneered and practiced resistance to tyranny through mass nonviolent civil disobedience. Gandhi applied the principles of nonviolent civil disobedience to free India from foreign domination. Gandhi was a source of inspiration in their struggles to achieve equal rights for their people. Gandhi's actions inspired future human rights movements like Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela. From what I read within the biography is all the hard work he had to do to fight off the British and other foreign authorities. To fight for your rights peacefully as well is something accomplish in his life time. Gandhi's rights were denied and yet he still fought for hundreds of Indians and especially for himself. -kimberly pd. 1

    1. Kim. Could you please repost this in your own words?

  16. Mahatma Gandhi was a lawyer, politician, social activist, and writer who became the leader of the nationalist movement against the British rule of India. Gandhi moved to South Africa when he was surprised by the discrimination and racial segregation faced by Indian immigrants at the hands of white British and Boer authorities. Gandhi formed the Natal Indian Congress in 1894 to fight discrimination. Gandhi led a campaign of civil disobedience that would last for the next eight years.As part of his nonviolent non-cooperation campaign for home rule, Gandhi stressed the importance of economic independence for India. On January 30, 12 days after that fast ended, Gandhi was on his way to an evening prayer meeting in Delhi when he was shot to death by Nathuram Godse.

    Ciara Carter Pd 1

    1. Hello Ciara. Could you please post in your own words what you learned about Gandhi and in turn how that helped you understand what human rights are?

  17. Mahatma Gandhi was a lawyer, politician, social activist, and writer who became the leader of the nationalist movement against the British rule of India. Gandhi moved to South Africa when he was surprised by the discrimination and racial segregation faced by Indian immigrants at the hands of white British and Boer authorities. Gandhi formed the Natal Indian Congress in 1894 to fight discrimination. Gandhi led a campaign of civil disobedience that would last for the next eight years.As part of his nonviolent non-cooperation campaign for home rule, Gandhi stressed the importance of economic independence for India. On January 30, 12 days after that fast ended, Gandhi was on his way to an evening prayer meeting in Delhi when he was shot to death by Nathuram Godse.

    Ciara Carter Pd 1

  18. Thimmy Le

    Indian nationalist leader Gandhi (born Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi) was born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, Kathiawar, India, which was then part of the British Empire. Gandhi helped India gain its independence with no violence thus doing the Salt March, that entailed a 390-kilometer/240-mile march to the Arabian Sea, where he would collect salt in symbolic defiance of the government monopoly. Before the march, Gandhi stated, “My ambition is no less than to convert the British people through non-violence and thus make them see the wrong they have done to India,” he wrote this to the British viceroy, Lord Irwin. Gandhi was later arrested for breaking the Salts Acts. Even after Gandhi’s assassination, his commitment to nonviolence and his belief in simple living — making his own clothes, eating a vegetarian diet and using fasts for self-purification as well as a means of protest — have been a beacon of hope for oppressed and marginalized people throughout the world.


    1. use great information


    2. Thimmy...can you talk more about what you learned what human rights are based on your studies?

  19. Aaliyah

    Gandhi was born in India. He was a lawyer, politician, social activist, and writer. He became the leader of the nationalist movement against the British rule of India. He is many known for his nonviolent protest. The people in his community called him “Mahatma” this meant great soul. All around huge crowds would gathered around him when he would go on tours. Throughout his time his fame would spread worldwide and continued to grow even after his death. All around the world he is one of the most universally recognized on earth. He hardly slept during the night because of his fame. In South Africa Gandhi was exposed to racial discrimination. Not only was he exposed to racial discrimination he was also stripped of his religion. He founded the Natal Indian Congress and he became the indefatigable secretary. He exposed the discrimination that was practiced against the Indian subjects of Queen Victoria. He organized many campaigns such as “Satyagraha.” He was dedicated to the people of his country. I learned that Gandhi never gave up and he kept at it. Eventually all his hard work paid off he ended up getting India independence. His legacy and work continued on and influenced human rights movements by MLK and Nelson Mandela.


    1. Hello Aaliyah. Can you state some things you learned in your own words and in turn what human rights are based on those studies?

    2. nice and very detailed

  20. Steven Dalton

    Mahatma Gandhi was the leader of India's non-violent independence movement against British rule and in South Africa who advocated for the civil rights of Indians. Born in Porbandar, India, Gandhi studied law and organized boycotts against British institutions in peaceful forms of civil disobedience. Gandhi was a very brave man for what he did and he showed people how to stand up for themselves in difficult times.


    1. Ok. But what did you learn about what human rights are based on your studies?

    2. I agree he was a very brave man
      - Samah Ouard Pd 1

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. My paragraph
    Lizbeth period 1

  23. Cyria King/Period 1

    Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi or Mahatma Gandhi was an Indian lawyer, politician, social activist, and writer who became a leader of the nationalist movement against the British rule over India. Gandhi was born October 2, 1869 and he was the youngest child of his fathers 4th wife. He made many accomplishments in his many years of living. On January 30th, 1948 while on his way to a prayer meeting he was shot and killed a young hindu fanatic name Nathuram Godse. Later Gandhi was given a stone named after him and he was considered the father of his country.

    1. Hello Cyria. In your own words can you explain some things you learned as well as what human rights are as a result of your studies?

  24. Antuane Holton pd.1
    From the primary source, I learned Gandhi was an Indian lawyer. I also learned that he was a political ethicist. He employed nonviolent resistance to lead the successful campaign for India's independence from British Rule. Sadly, Gandhi was shot and killed in New Delhi, India on January 30, 1948.

  25. lizbeth perez
    period 1

    Mahatma Gandhi was the leader of India’s of the non violent of independence movement the against British rule and in South Africa who was advocated for the civil rights of Indians.perhaps he could hardly work during the daylight and night which of his fame.By forming the natal Indian congress in 1984 the national congress declared the independence of India on the day of January 26,1930, also 1947 was when the British granted the Indians its independence.When Gandhi was arriving to South Africa he was quickly appalled by the discrimination and the racial segregation to faced by Indian immigrants at the hands of white British.What i learned from Gandhi which that you can fight whatever matters and don't have to do violent way to solve by doing it in a briefly correct ways which could be more understandable.


    1. Nice details and good information.
      -Sydney pd1

    2. I liked that you learned that you can create major change without violence.

    3. I like how you also included in dates to make a timeline of information.
      - Maurice Hodges Pd. 3

  26. Sydney Davis
    Period 1

    Gandhi who was a Indian nationalist leader was born October 2, 1869, in Portland, Kathiawar, India, which was then part of the British Empire. A big part for Gandhi's protests and campaigns against the British, were to fight for the human rights of the Indians. He stood up for the Indians, since they wanted to become an independent country. The whole purpose of his movement was to retrieve Indian's human rights, and return them their

  27. Najir Glenn
    Period 3

    Mahatma Gandhi was the leader of India’s non-violent independence movement against British rule and in South Africa who advocated for the civil rights of Indians. He was the architect of a form of non-violent civil disobedience that would influence the world. From my reading I learned the power non-violent protest has and how it can be used effectively. all in all, Gandhi teaches us the importance of non-violent protest and the right way to fight for change and reform

    1. Najir, can you elaborate? What or how did you learn that non-violence is the best way or change and reform?

  28. Ayanna Smith
    Period 3

    Mahatma Gandhi showed that any attempt to violate human rights must be stopped, but while also keeping one's own morals and humanity. Gandhi was an Indian lawyer who had to settle for a job in Natal, South Africa. Like most Indian traders in South Africa, he faced a lot of racial discrimination, including being thrown out a railway and getting beaten up by a stagecoach for not giving up his spot to a European. As time went by, Gandhi educated his fellow Indians on the rights they should have and led mass protest against British rule and the unfair treatment of Indians. He became an Indian nationalist with a giant movement that used a new technique of protest which involved civil disobedience without violence. Gandhi's fight for human rights for Indians using this method inspired many others around the world, like Martin Luther King Jr and Nelson Mandela. He's a symbol of hope for those who are oppressed.

    1. I agree. This powerful method was used by others for so much more positive non violent change.

  29. Mekhi Graves-Brown
    Period 3

    Gandhi was from India is still notable today for his quiet movements and protests. During his time gigantic hordes of individuals would accumulate to see him. He could scarcely work during the day or rest around evening time due to his distinction. His acclaim kept on developing significantly after his demise. During his years he was captured a few times and attempted various appetite strikes. In the well known Salt March of April-May 1930, a great many Indians followed Gandhi from Ahmadabad to the Arabian Sea. The walk brought about the capture of almost 60,000 individuals, including Gandhi himself. As a major aspect of his peaceful non-collaboration crusade for home principle, Gandhi focused on the significance of monetary autonomy for India. In 1947 India was at long last allowed their freedom from Britain however was part of two areas. Gandhi restricted this however concurred for any desires for harmony. Yet, there were revolts after the split into two spaces, and Gandhi attempted an appetite strike until the uproars halted. On January 30, 1948, 12 days after he finished another quick, he was killed by a Hindu man that was agitated with Gandhi's endeavors to haggle with Jinnah and different Muslims.


  30. Michel'e Rice . Pd 3 (late turn in)
    Mahatma Gandhi is one of the most inspirational figures in the world. He was a leader of independence in the movement against British rule in India. In 1893 Gandhi went to Natal, South Africa to perform legal services. While he was there he was faced with racial discrimination of Indian immigrants. Gandhi drafted petitions to the Natal legislature and the British government for Indians to have the right to vote. This ended up exposing discrimination of Indians to the world. Gandhi ended up organizing his first civil campaign called " Satyagraha ".The campaign was a nonviolent protest against the government's new restrictions on the rights of Indians. Gandhi and his Satyagraha continued to have nonviolent/peaceful protests about Indian's rights. Eventually, in 1945, the British government gave India its independence. Sadly in 1948, Gandhi was assassinated. I learned that Gandhi was a fearless campaigner for the rights and dignity of all people. He used non-violence as the main way to fight for justice. I feel Gandhi's motive was to show people that you can get change without violence or being violent.
    - https://www.biography.com/activist/mahatma-gandhi

    1. good job i liked how you stated that was a inspirational figure - sisco

  31. Aanaia Andris
    Period 1

    I learned that Gandhi was a man known for many things such as being a Indian lawyer, politician, social activist, and writer who became a leader of the nationalist movement against the British rule of India. I also learned that Gandhi teaches us the importance of non-violent protest and the power a non-violent protest has.


  32. Gandhi was a very respected and valued man for the simple fact, that many Indians considered him the father of the nation. Gandhi was a inspirational men that led the fight for India's Independence from British rule by following his path of non violence. Gandhi way of using non violent was helpful because many people could see the idea of not trying to harm any individuals. Gandhi reminds me of Martin Luther King Jr. because they both believed that non violence was the best way to get things across. Gandhi most memorable protest was called the "salt March" due to that march the Indian national congress declared the country independence. I learned that Non violence is the best method to seize a country because many people would see that your trying to receive Independence in peace.


  33. Mohandas Mahatma (‘the great soul’) Gandhi
    Was a Indian lawyer, social activist, politician, and a writer.
    Gandhi lead campaigns to ease poverty, expand women’s rights, built religious
    And ethic harmony. Gandhi played a key role in freeing India from domination.
    Gandhi proved to world that you can shake the world in a peaceful way.
    - Samah Ouard Pd 1

  34. Carlton Young pd.3
    I learned that Gandhi had huge support people from his home in India and more. In addition, he was a inspiration towards people who didn't have a voice for independence from the British. Gandhi's way of peace didn't involve violence but a way to get a hold of people by just speaking up. Methods that Gandhi done really touch on others in result that even Martin Luther took the same route he did when he was fighting against racism. I learned that non violence results leads to a big impact on others.https://www.mkgandhi.org/articles/radhakrishnan3.htm

  35. Lee Edrington
    I learned Gandhi was an Indian lawyer, politician, social activist and writer who was born on October 2, 1886. He fought for Indians rights in India. He fought against the British Empire for indian independence. The indian National Congress declared the independence of India on January 26 1930, but 1947 is when the british granted India its independence. Learning about Gandhi can teach us about different activists from history from another country.

    1. Great job restating the history on Gandhi.

      PD. 3

  36. Many human rights around the country are being violated because of biased and unfair systems. For example, in the U.S. there is a corrupt judicial system and it strongly effects the lives of minorities almost everyday. I learned that Gandhi used great methods to use against this.

    PD. 3


  37. Gandhi was known for being one of the most respected and spiritual political leader in the 1900's. Gandhi is one of the people that helped Indian people become free from the British people. He is also famous for being a person that fought in a non-violence way to express his political ways for example he would have campaigns and meetings. He helped build hospitals and new schools in very poor areas as well as clean the areas. Many believe that without Gandhi fighting for India they would not have their independence now but still other have their opinion and say they didn’t need him because it was always going to happen another way.
    - Johanna Hernandez Pd 3


  38. Maurice Hodges
    Pd. 3

    Ghandi was known for being very influential during his lifetime, and his actions through peaceful protest showed that. While Ghandi and all of his records throughout his youth showed to be mostly mediocre, the impact that he would leave when he turned into a political and social activist was massive. It kickstarted when Ghandi experienced racial discrimination while in South Africa. In a Durban court, Ghandi was asked to take off his turban, in which he refused and left the courtroom. A few days later, he was thrown out of a railway compartment and left to endure the cold in Pietermaritzburg. On the course of that journey, a stagecoach driver beat up Ghandi because he would not travel on the footboard to make room for a European driver, similar to Rosa Park's encounter on the bus. All of these events would take place to drive Ghandi to fight for self-independence in South Africa

  39. Many human rights around the country are being violated because of biased and unfair systems. For example, in the U.S. there is a corrupt judicial system and it strongly effects the lives of minorities almost everyday. I learned that Gandhi used great methods to use against this. He introduced many ways and concepts of civil non-violence and civil peaceful disopedience by doing this he promoted different tactics for them to work and to show the world how to peaceful act toward the government in concerns of civil disagreement.

    PD. 3


